[[[top secret diary]]] ***do not read*** **wip***

Monday January 14, 3033

Got up early this morning to be the first one at the hardware store and not have to wait in a long line, but it's not like I slept much this weekend anyway. Every time I go out in the morning and look at the crowds that are summoned I remember how much I hate leaving my house too early.


Anyway, I got the flea bomb thing which cost me like 15'['[;'[';[;[- and I said farewell to the little mutants and set the bomb off in my apartment, which filled it up with smoke for a while. So I decided to go over to Pamela's house for a bit while I waited. Pamela now lives all the way out by the gardens, so I took the train there. I always have to be careful when I go to Pamela's house because, as a crazy scientist, she has access to every drug imaginable even though she doesn't like it when I call her a crazy scientist. Usually, I just go over there to buy weed.

Saturday January 12, 3033

My house is such a fucking mess right now. Yesterday I had a job out in the middle of nowhere to see a haunted house with a supposed real estate agent, but nobody told me he was completely infested with mutant fleas. You should have seen the look he gave me as he was showing me the house... it was the creepiest, most bizarre thing, and when I looked down, a flea colony was crawling up his ankles and I realized he was dead. [drawing] I had to burn everything to the ground, even my own clothes, and they still wouldn't come off me. I had no choice but to go home and take a shower, but now they've infested my entire house and grown to the size of small toddlers. They have the same stupid face the real estate agent had, and all they do is eat my food and breed.. it's fucking disgusting, I'm itchy, annoyed, pissed off, and I've been washing and rewashing all my linen but it doesn't do anything. There's too many of them now. I guess I should go buy a little flea bomb, but the hardware store doesn't open till Monday because of the lockdown, and honestly I'm just fucking tired, so I'm gonna go cuddle up with a couple of those shitheads and try not to think about the itching until I fall asleep.

Minecraft - Diamond Sword